Protect Access to Essential Healthcare Services: Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding
  1. United States
  2. Mo.
  3. Letter

Protect Access to Essential Healthcare Services: Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding

To: Gov. Parson

From: A constituent in Columbia, MO

April 25

The recent legislative decision to defund Planned Parenthood, which passed 106-48, threatens access to essential healthcare services for low-income patients. Planned Parenthood provides vital services such as pap smears and cancer screenings, which other healthcare providers in Missouri may not have the capacity to absorb. It's crucial to note that abortions, a contentious point, are not covered by Medicaid and are mostly illegal in Missouri. Past attempts to defund Planned Parenthood have been struck down by courts. It is requested that this bill be vetoed to ensure continued access to necessary healthcare services for those most vulnerable. The decision to defund should not be based on services provided in other states but on the needs of Missouri's residents.

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