  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Vote Against Discriminatory Incarceration Policy Harming Transgender Inmates

To: Rep. Ciscomani

From: A verified voter in Tucson, AZ

July 20

I strongly oppose the "Preventing Violence Against Female Inmates Act of 2023" as it discriminates against transgender individuals and perpetuates harm. This bill mandates housing incarcerated people based solely on their biological sex assigned at birth, disregarding their gender identity. Forcing transgender women to be housed with men puts them at severe risk of violence, abuse, and trauma. Similarly, transgender men would face endangerment if housed with women against their identity. This legislation ignores widely accepted standards for respecting gender identity in corrections facilities and violates basic human rights principles of dignity and safety for all people, regardless of gender. We must reject policies rooted in discrimination and uphold the dignity of every incarcerated person, including those who are transgender or non-binary. I urge you to vote against this harmful and unethical bill.

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