Published August 2, 2017 / Updated August 19, 2020

Medicaid helps many, many Louisianans

Benjamin Dorsey in the Lafayette Advertiser

by Chris Thomas

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Not actually Columbus…

Originally published in the Lafayette Advertiser

Please oppose the new Affordable Care Act repeal proposal.

It will put the lives of over 400,000 Louisianians at risk who are now on expanded Medicaid. I’m one of those patients.

Expanded Medicaid has gotten me through a rather long employment drought, and I have been able to afford all of my medications while getting the treatment I need along with preventative care. It’s a wonderful program. This rush to cut it and weaken it is nothing short of barbaric.

No one should have their health coverage taken from them, and that’s what this bill would do to over 400,000 constituents. It does not pass the “(Jimmy) Kimmel test.”

Please oppose this bill and announce your opposition as quickly as possible.

— Benjamin Dorsey

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