Published August 8, 2017 / Updated August 7, 2020

U.S. House passes bill to weaken Clean Air Act

John Chipman in the Greensboro News & Record

by Chris Thomas

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On July 19, the House took the opportunity to pass H.R. 806, “The Ozone Standards Implementation Act of 2017.”

This bill attacks provisions of the Clean Air Act and restricts the EPA’s ability to do its job of monitoring and regulating the pollutants that cause smog and increase the risk of asthma (particularly in children) and preventable death. This legislation was backed by the American Petroleum Institute and opposed by the American Lung Association. The latter said the bill is a “direct assault” on the right of every American to breathe clean air.

This bill is now in the Senate, where it is being considered by the Environment and Public Works Committee. This is bad legislation and will not stand up under the pressure of public scrutiny. I urge you to defend the health of my family and community.

— John Chipman, Oak Ridge
Originally published in the Greensboro News & Record

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