Published September 7, 2017 / Updated August 30, 2020

Cross political lines for good of country

Debra Swacker in USA Today

by Chris Thomas

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Let’s recap Trump’s speech in Phoenix.

A wall at the cost of closing down the government, insults of a war hero senator, no mention of missing sailors, denigrating the free press, a promise of a pardon for a convicted racist, claiming “their” history is being attacked, a complete disregard for a young woman murdered by a white supremacist.

He was off and running, doing everything he could to further divide this country. This presidency is a failure. It will not get better.

It is time for our state representatives to reach across the aisle to work with Democrats to run this government in an effective, efficient and sane manner. This president is dangerous and must be dealt with using all methods available to Congress and the courts. Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker, and Rep. David Kustoff: The fate of the United States rests squarely on your shoulders.

— Debra Swacker, Jackson TN
Originally published in USA Today

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