Gunning for Mueller
The Trump Administration and Conservative Media are gearing up for an assault on Robert Mueller
by Chris Thomas

At this point the exact nature of the relationship between the Trump campaign and the Russian Government remains unknown. In the details of that relationship is the answer to the question of the legality and legitimacy of President Trump’s administration. As President Richard Nixon said in 1973: “people have got to know whether or not their President is a crook.”
Robert Mueller’s job is to answer that question.
When Mueller was appointed to the Special Counsel back in May of 2017 he received bipartisan praise from Congress. Among the Republicans who praised Mueller as the right choice for the position was then-Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-UT):
Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) was likewise enthusiastic about Mueller:
But as Mueller’s investigation has closed in around the Trump administration, the tune of the Republican Party seems to have changed, both driven and echoed by conservative media outlets like Fox News which actually called the investigation a “coup” (Note: that’s not what “coup” means unless Pence is behind it).
When asked if he would accept Mueller’s findings as legitimate, Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) said the following, suggesting in advance that the only legitimate findings the Mueller investigation could deliver would be those that exonerated President Trump.
Republicans like Cornyn, who previously praised Mueller’s team for its independence, have been quick to pile on to the charge that Mueller may be biased against the President and have used this to call his findings — whatever they might turn out to be — into question. The White House itself has preferred to focus on the money and time spent by the investigation alleging that it is a waste and it is time for the country to move on.
In both cases the implication towards the Mueller investigation has been that it is biased, partisan, and subject to immediate cancellation by the President though all are quick to deny any such intent.
Nonetheless rumors circulate on the Hill and the intensity of the attacks against Mueller continues to grow while the indictments creep ever closer to the inner circle of the White House. There is a profound sense that something is about to happen though what and how remains unclear.
The Special Counsel Integrity Acts (plural)
Both houses of Congress presently have identical bills before them entitled the Special Counsel Integrity Act (H.R 3771 and S. 1741). The bills would allow Mueller, in the event of his firing, to appear to a court of three judges within fourteen days. If the firing is found to be inappropriate, Mueller would be automatically reinstated to his position. In essence, it takes away President Trump’s ability to unilaterally fire a Special Counsel.
Tell Congress what you think!
By the time it becomes clear that President Trump is going to fire Mueller it will be too late to protect him and his investigation. Text RESIST to 50409 to tell your Representatives or Senators what you think about this or any other issue before Congress or use Facebook messenger to do the same thing by clicking here.
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