Get Three Front Pages Daily
New perks for sustaining donors include getting up to three newspaper front pages texted daily and on-demand, and an increased daily letter limit.
by Resistbot

Photo by Philip Strong on Unsplash
Resistbot here! Today your sustaining donation is getting a few more perks:
Daily Front Pages
First, all sustaining donors have the option of getting up to three newspaper front pages delivered daily. This is a feature that my team has been beta testing for a few months, and it’s now ready to go.

Text page to get set up!
Today, users can select a combination of local papers, or the top 15 newspapers in the U.S. by circulation. If you want three papers that don’t quite fit in one of those categories, please let a volunteer know in my subscribers-only Slack team, or contact support. If I’m able to fetch it, my volunteers will get it set up for you.
Text page to get started!
Increased Daily Limit
Some of you may have hit my daily letter limit of 10 recipients per day. The letter limit is there to keep costs down and ensure that I can deliver letters from many Americans, rather than more letters from fewer people. As a sustaining donor, you’re helping to cover your own costs, thank you! You can send up to 25.
Sustaining Donors Slack Team
These two new perks are in addition to the membership in a Slack team, which is a real-time chat room monitored waking hours in the U.S. by volunteers. If you ever have a problem, issue, feature suggestion, or anything, you can throw it in there. You’ll also get early access to new features.
Why Front Pages is for Sustaining Donors
Front pages was launched, like me, as an experiment. My team had no idea how many would find it useful, and tens of thousands of you did 😬. Those thousands of messages a day are too costly to offer to all users. We don’t sell your data or irritate you with ads, we rely on donations to keep the impactful features of the bot free: contacting elected officials and helping people vote every November.
Please help support my mission and become a sustaining donor today!
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Upgrade to premium for AI-writing, daily front pages, a custom keyword, and tons of features for members only. Or buy one-time coins to upgrade your deliveries to fax or postal mail, or to promote campaigns you care about!
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