Resistbot Petition: Support the "End Qualified Immunity Act" and Stand for Your Constituents' rights

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Support the "End Qualified Immunity Act" and Stand for Your Constituents' rights

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I am a constituent in your district, and I am very concerned about ongoing violence police officers are using against civilians. I ask you to support and consider co-sponsoring Rep. Amash's "End Qualified Immunity Act" to restore civilians rights to seek relief when their civil rights are violated. If the president won't sign it, please make every attempt to override the veto. Americans will not tolerate special protections for abuses of power by corrupt and/violent officers. I will be eagerly looking for your public announcement of support. I am also writing to demand the end of the legal ability to hide police misconduct from the public and to urge you to consider the reallocation of police funding away from small reforms and toward large public health and social initiatives. Systemic racism through the American legal system has been allowed to continue for too long. I will certainly be voting in November with these issues in mind. Thank you for your time and consideration.

▶ Created on June 7, 2020 by Samantha

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