Resistbot Petition: Please continue to keep Ohioans safe and don't fall to pressures from the WH.

An open letter to State Governors

Please continue to keep Ohioans safe and don't fall to pressures from the WH.

20 so far! Help us get to 25 signers!

The great state of Ohio has put our trust in you and you have not let us down, keeping us safe with quick and aggressive measures. We commend you for this! While so many countries and states are suffering, we are glad to live in Ohio with a governor who listens to science and does everything he can to protect us from this virus. But now we are concerned. From our view, you have gone from worrying about Ohio and NOT what the President says to, it seems, following the party line coming out of the White House. President Trump has created a very dangerous situation in our country and we beg of you, do not fall to the pressure from him to open our state - even a little bit - if even an ounce of the science suggests waiting. You have kept us safe and we want to continue to trust you... please continue to be conservative and protect Ohioans! Thank you!

▶ Created on April 18, 2020 by Jenny

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