Resistbot Petition: U.S. Navy UAP Hearings

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

U.S. Navy UAP Hearings

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On April 27th of this year, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) re-released – for the public to download and view – three videos recorded by U.S. Navy pilots, all of which show encounters with sophisticated and highly advanced craft of unknown origin. These aircraft exhibited unusual flight characteristics: sudden and instantaneous acceleration, hypersonic velocities without signatures, low observability, and positive lift. In addition to these videos, the DOD also posted a news release on its website, which state in part: “The aerial phenomena observed in this videos remain characterized as unidentified”. The aforementioned incursions occurred in 2004 (U.S.S. Nimitz) and 2015 (U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt). After so much time having elapsed and with the additions of corresponding radar data, telemetry, and pilot testimony, the DOD has still not come to any definitive conclusions as to who and what violated United States controlled airspace. To classify such flagrant intrusions of US airspace to this day as simply “unidentified” is unacceptable, reckless, and should attract public scrutiny by members of Congress such as yourself. To draw a parallel, on April 8th of this year, F-22 fighters, supported by KC-135 Stratotanker and E-3 AWACS aircraft from Northa American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), intercepted two Russian IL-38 aircraft breaching the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone, which they announced on social media including Twitter. To my knowledge, no such corresponding public declarations were made at the time of the aforementioned 2004 and 2015 U.S. Navy incidents. As a constituent, I would like to know why that was. In conclusion, I submit that now is the time to find what the DOD is hiding and to press for public congressional hearings regards these incidents. Thank you for your time and consideration.

▶ Created on May 9, 2020 by Matthew

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