Resistbot Petition: Concerns by Non-Resident Citizens about the Biden Family Tax Plan

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Concerns by Non-Resident Citizens about the Biden Family Tax Plan

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I am writing to you to make you aware of concern that is being expressed by Democrats Abroad, a state party within the Democrats, that the current Biden administration and Congress are advocating an expansion of international bank account reporting, despite significant evidence that this disproportionately harms working and middle class US citizens residing outside of the United States. Furthermore, there is evidence suggesting that increased bank account reporting has been, and will continue to be ineffective in reigning in tax dodging by the wealthy. As an overseas voter, I want you to be aware that regardless of my political leanings & your political leanings, we need to pay attention to the frustration being expressed by Democrats at the Democratic Party’s policymaking. The quote at the end of the letter says everything. “The American Families Plan Tax Compliance Agenda makes no mention whatsoever of U.S. citizens living outside the United States, leaving 9 million Americans abroad uncertain about future unintended consequences. This is our third letter to you in three months. We seem not to be getting our message through.” The overseas vote has become increasingly decisive in close races, but the lack of attention by Congress to our issues does not reflect that. There were more votes cast by overseas voters than there was a margin of victory in Arizona & Georgia in 2020. I encourage you to read through the letter from Democrats Abroad warning against expansion of FATCA & international account reporting here: Please consider our needs--FATCA needs to be amended, and the United States needs to move to Residence Based Taxation that ends reliance on civil war era tax provisions.

▶ Created on June 3, 2021 by 9 Million Overseas Americans

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