Resistbot Petition: Admit green card applicants faster

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Admit green card applicants faster

19 so far! Help us get to 25 signers!

Due to decisions by the Trump administration to suspend family “green cards,” there is a huge backlog of immigration requests going unfulfilled. This has been exacerbated by a lack of initiative on the part of the Biden administration to waive unnecessary documentation. The strength of the U.S. economy is due in large part to its ability to attract talent from all over the world. Leaving these talented people, who are currently employed, in limbo decreases the chances they will remain and work and pay taxes in the U.S., but also increases the chances that companies will build offices and hire people elsewhere. There’s no need for this delay. Green card applicants pose no threat and have to pass through rigorous screening. It is a win-win — better for our economy and better for the individuals. Please pass legislation to speed up this process and welcome the brightest minds to America.

▶ Created on July 30, 2021 by Thomas

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