Jamaal Bowman


  1. United States
  2. New York
  3. Rep. Jamaal Bowman

Rep. Jamaal Bowman

Map PinElmsford, NY

As President Biden has stepped down from the election, it’s imperat ive that we support the only remaining candidate who’s been on the ballot and selected by primary voters: Kamala Harris. I urge you to endorse VP Harris as quickly as possible.

Verified VoterMamaroneck, NY

Presidential race

I am calling to DEMAND Congressman Bowman and Senators Schumer and Gillibrand push the party to focus and stop information leaks happening right now about President Biden staying on the ticket. At at a time when we should be all coming together to fight SCOTUS's lastest rulings and Project 2025, De

Map PinLarchmont, NY

I’m happy to hear President Biden hinting that he will come out in erse the effect of the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential imm forceable code of ethics and even a constitutional amendment to rev support of term limits for Supreme Court justices, as well as an en unity. I strongly, strongly

Verified VoterMamaroneck, NY

Supreme Court

I understand that Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has introduced articles of impeachment against U.S. Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Good! I want the Congressmember and Senators to support this effort. Thomas and Alito are deeply corrupt and compromised. They have d

Map PinHartsdale, NY

Stand With Pres Biden

Please support President Biden. Our democracy is at stake! Stop Project 2025

Verified VoterWhite Plains, NY

Protect the Election

The Supreme Court's rebellion against the constitution demands an urgent response. We cannot risk the conservatives on the court sabotaging the 2024 election in favor of Trump. They have every reason to grant him the presidency after their ruling in Trump v United States. What's more, violence at p

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