

  1. United States
  2. Arizona
  3. Rep. Juan Ciscomani

Rep. Juan Ciscomani

Map PinTucson, AZ

Restrict corporate residential real estate purchases for affordability

Corporate investors have purchased hundreds of thousands of single-family homes across the United States, particularly in Sun Belt states like Florida, Texas, and Georgia. These rental home corporations, backed by private equity groups and investment firms, are rapidly accumulating housing stock. Me

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

I feel helpless. You want a war with Iran. You are allowing Israel to create irretrievable animosity in the region to force a reaction from Iran. The military lobbyists that occupy your office are desperate for this war. Another War means money in the pockets of the CEOs, paid for by US citizens.

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

As a woman I think the proposed bill H.R. 3741 is irrational. It seeks to "prohibit the use of Title X funds for any system that provides counseling or referrals to individuals regarding abortion services". Apparently, you, a man in Congress, believe that you're smarter than the women that hope to

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

Are you enjoying yourself? Are you having fun with friends and family? Well Israel just killed 10 more Palestinians by bombing a school. What would you do if Israel bombed your kids schools? Would you still be giving them more bombs? Are you willing to allow Israel to bomb schools throughout t

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

Israel attempted to assassinate another journalist in Gaza. You ALLOW Israel to assassinate journalists. YOU SEND THE WEAPONS TO ASSASSINATE JOURNALISTS!! Do not pretend that you care about humanity. Do not pretend that you work for me. Do not pretend that you have any conscience! Do not pretend

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

I'm calling on you to investigate Elon Musk. Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov, a Russian politician and current Head of the Chechen Republic is publicly demonstrating a CyberTruck given to him by Elon Musk. In other words Elon Musk is defying the sanctions imposed on delivering electronic goods to Russ

Verified VoterCochise, AZ

The more I learn about Israel, the more I learn about the apartheid system openly practiced by the Israeli government... The more I despise President Biden and his continued use of United States' resources to support Israel. Israel treats their non-jewish residents with a kind of apartheid that on

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