The wonderful city of Springfield, Ohio has been much maligned by the Republican candidates for President and Vice President, and is experiencing unwarranted threats and challenges as a result of their irresponsible characterizations of the city and its Haitian immigrant population based on second-
Today marks 20 years since the Federal Assault Weapons Ban expired and nine days since Apalachee High School joined the ranks of mass shootings carried out by an assault weapon. Sadly, the list is anything but exclusive, with places including Las Vegas, Pulse Nightclub, Sandy Hook Elementary School,
As Congress returns from recess, I am writing with concern about election funding levels. Congress appropriated just $1 million per state this year in perhaps the most important election in our lifetimes. In other years, Congress has appropriated nothing. When states and local governments are left
I'm writing to urge you to co-sponsor and work to pass the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (FAIR) Act (H.R. 2953 / S. 1376). Forced arbitration clauses, buried in the fine print of countless contracts, strip away our constitutional right to have our day in court if a company wrongs us. Instead,
Many people are facing food and housing insecurity, challenges with high child care costs, and dealing with other hardships that make it harder to make ends meet. New data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows that in 2023, the Child Tax Credit (CTC) lifted 2.4 million people above the federal poverty
According to the EPA, most people in the US spend about 90% of their time indoors. And studies have shown that sometimes, the air we breathe indoors can be 2-5 times—and occasionally up to 100 times—more polluted than outdoor air. Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) is one of the top environmental risks t
Food banks have been struggling under rising food distribution costs and higher demand. Please pass a fiscal year 2025 agriculture appropriations bill that fully funds critical nutrition assistance programs. Specifically, provide full funding for The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) storage
I'm calling on you to use the upcoming Farm Bill to encourage research and development of methane-reducing vaccines for cattle! Boston startup ArkeaBio has developed a vaccine to reduce methane production in cattle, which works by directing the cow’s immune system to create antibodies against metha
I am appalled at the Trump campaign's willful abuse and desecration of one of our nation's most solemn and sacred shrines at Arlington National Cemetery. Reports of violation of Federal law and the assault, however minor, of a cemetery employee cannot be ignored. I implore you to call for a full in
The years since the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018, commonly known as the 2018 Farm Bill, was signed into law have been among the most tumultuous in our nation’s history. Amid an increasingly disruptive and changing climate and the COVID-19 pandemic which resulted in the illness and death of t
I am writing to urge you to co-sponsor Senator Ed Markey and Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s Health Over Wealth Act to address the role of private equity firms control over hospitals, mental and behavioral health facilities, and nursing homes. Private equity’s modus operandi is to reduce competition, shutt
As your constituent, I am urging you to protect Medicare and Medicaid from attempts to cut their funding or privatize them. Sixty-seven million older adults and people with disabilities rely on Medicare for primary health insurance and 81% of Americans hold a positive view of traditional Medicare.
Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, Medicare recipients will begin to see lower costs for prescription drugs as well as a cap on out-of-pocket expenses—saving families millions of dollars each year. While allowing Medicare to begin negotiating drug prices is a crucial first step, it’s critical
The United States must stop providing unconditional military aid to Israel and call for an immediate ceasefire to end the escalating violence and humanitarian crisis in Gaza. It is unconscionable that the Biden administration has signed legislation allocating $17 billion in additional funding for Is
Yesterday we learned that Vice President Kamala Harris is calling for raising the corporate tax rate to 28%. As my representative I want you to know that I support this policy proposal and I expect you to as well. To quote NBC, “if enacted, the policy would raise hundreds of billions of dollars, as
America’s EV investments are starting to really pay off, with 704 new public EV charging stations installed in Q2 2024 and a surge of federal support on the way. This is good news, as climate action is really important to me! As such, I'm calling on you to keep the EV-boosting NEVI initiative fully
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