

  1. United States
  2. California
  3. Rep. Jimmy Gomez

Rep. Jimmy Gomez

Verified VoterLos Angeles, CA

I am writing to urge you to vote NO on H.R. 9495 — the nonprofit-killer bill. Under the provisions of the bill, the Treasury Secretary would have unilateral authority to accuse any nonprofit group of supporting terrorists and give the nonprofit only 90 days to respond to a notice. After just 90 da

Verified VoterLos Angeles, CA

As your constituent, I am urging you to pass a comprehensive disaster relief package that includes funding for essential nutrition and housing programs to ensure that federal disaster recovery resources reach all impacted households, including those with the lowest incomes who are often the hardest-

Map PinLos Angeles, CA

Cosponsor and vote for SJ resolutions 114 and 115

I am writing today to urge you to support S.J. Resolutions 114 and 115 introduced by Senator Sanders. These resolutions would disapprove the sale of certain military equipment and weapons to the government of Israel. egime, and 60% of Americans agree. At least 60000 Palestinians have died since last

Verified VoterLos Angeles, CA

The housing crisis is devastating communities all across the country, and corporate executives are exploiting it to put more money in their pockets. We shouldn’t allow private equity firms to buy up vast quantities of American homes and create a generation of lifelong renters.  Congress needs to act

Verified VoterLos Angeles, CA

Bill Gates and the U.S. Defense Department are investing in Airloom, a startup building a redesigned wind turbine that’s easier to mass-produce. Airloom’s design has the wind pushing blades along a “racetrack” or “rollercoaster”-like course instead of spinning in place, allowing the wind turbine to

Verified VoterLos Angeles, CA

As your constituent, I am urging you to co-sponsor the American Stability Act (ASA). The American Stability Act is a bold, elegant solution to the threat posed by destabilizing levels of inequality. The American Stability Act does the following: -ELIMINATES FEDERAL TAXES for any taxpayer making l

Verified VoterLos Angeles, CA

I’m writing to urge Congress to take all necessary steps to remedy serious faults in the vetting process for judicial nominees uncovered by a recent Senate report. The stunning report, issued last week by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse following a thorough, multiyear oversight investigation, reveals t

Verified VoterLos Angeles, CA

Enact ranked choice voting to strengthen US democracy

Implement ranked choice voting for more fair representation and have choice beyond two parties to strengthen democracy through bills like H.R. 7740. The current voting system often leads to lack of diverse representation and polarization between two parties. Ranked choice voting provides an equitabl

Verified VoterLos Angeles, CA

I just learned from reporting in Mother Jones that the Crime Victims Fund, the pot of money created by a 40-year-old piece of landmark legislation called the Victims of Crime Act, has been running dangerously low for several years, mostly due to changes in prosecutorial priorities at the Department

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