Pramila Jayapal


  1. United States
  2. Washington
  3. Rep. Pramila Jayapal

Rep. Pramila Jayapal

Map PinSeattle, WA

Netanyahu is a war criminal, shame on all of you for hosting him today

Shame on all of you - except Pramila Jayapal - for hosting Netanyahu today. You hosted a genocidal leader of a foreign country to sit in one of our institutions and lie about his actions while openly mocking and attacking Americans. Most of the people there applauded his behavior. I write this as

Verified VoterSeattle, WA

I was all in for Biden. Joe deserved/deserves much better treatment and all sorts of accolades for his successes. He accomplished them with his excellent VP and entire administrative team and I trust his whole-hearted recommendation that Kamala Harris must be our Democratic presidential candidate! W

Verified VoterSeattle, WA

Presidential race - Kamala Harris

rt if you advocate for anyone else in the coming days. Kamala Harris is the only choice to replace President Biden as the nominee. You should put out statements to that effect now. You will 100% lose my suppo

Verified VoterSeattle, WA

Support Vice President Harris!

immediate and unreserved support for Vice President Harris. In light of this morning's historic and unprecedented announcement that President Biden is stepping back from re-election, please come forward with your This election is too important to throw to an open convention and split our votes. We m

Verified VoterSeattle, WA


Sending this note as a THANK YOU for continuing to support our President. Since money is now speech, sadly, I will be making donations to back up my words. I'm selling the most valuable of my late mother's items to do so -- which isn't fun but is a worthy sacrifice to support those who support Pres

Verified VoterSeattle, WA

I Support Joe Biden for President

Although I have deep disagreements with him regarding Palestine, I support Joe Biden for President. I am APPALLED that donors are trying to circumvent the will of the people by forcing him out at this late date. I want to MAKE SURE that all of you know that.

Map PinSeattle, WA

I urge you to support HR 6311, the National Coordination on Adaptation and Resilience for Security Act, to mandate a national climate adaptation and resilience strategy, as well as HR 6450, the Natural Disaster Safety Board Act, to establish a commission to study future climate disasters and advocat

Map PinSeattle, WA

Biden should not run for reelection

Biden should not run for reelection. Biden is not a strong candidate at this stage, as is well documented. He cannot beat Trump easily (and it was narrow last time!), so keeping him in the race at this stage is terribly reckless. Failure to move past Biden as the candidate proves that the Democrat

Map PinSeattle, WA

I know we agree that assault weapons are weapons of war and shouldn’t be in the hands of civilians. Please call for an immediate vote on the Assault Weapons Ban Act — HR 698. We should also be requiring background checks and imposing an age limit of 21 on all gun purchases. Thank you.

Map PinSeattle, WA

Biden should not run for re-election

Biden should not run for re-election. Trump is easily beatable, but not by Joe Biden. It is time for him to step aside, especially if he actually believes democracy is at stake. If he does not step aside, that means we’ve been lied to about the stakes as well as his ability to maintain the office.

Map PinSeattle, WA

In every presidential election year in the last 25 years, this is the predictable moment where some point of contention within the Democratic Party gets amplified till the media hops on it and goes to their favorite pundits to massage and build up the story…to the detriment of Democrats up and down

Verified VoterSeattle, WA

Thoughtful evaluation of 2024 Democratic nominee warranted

I agree with Adam Smith's assessment that President Biden should not seek reelection in 2024 due to concerns about his age and capacity for a second term. While the final decision rests with Biden and his team, there are legitimate doubts about whether he would be the strongest Democratic candidate

Map PinSeattle, WA

Do something about the Biden issue!!! We can’t afford infighting now!!! We must stop Trump at all costs! If that means picking a new dem candidate do it NOW not next week or next month!! Biden has done great things for the country, but regardless of the true situation, many don’t think he’s up for t

Map PinSeattle, WA

I believe Biden demonstrated a deep understanding of foreign policy and the domestic political landscape during his press conference tonight. I encourage you to continue to support him.

Verified VoterShoreline, WA

Use your voice to help convince Biden to step down. Our country’s future hangs in the balance. He cannot beat Trump. We Democrats have an opportunity to invigorate this race and introduce our next generation of leaders. But time is running out for changes. Without a new presidential game plan, Democ

Verified VoterSeattle, WA

Time for Biden to step aside, new leadership needed

President Biden has contributed decades of public service, but his recent struggles raise serious concerns about his ability to effectively lead for another term. The nation faces immense challenges that demand a leader with stamina, clarity, and the capacity to inspire confidence both at home and a

Verified VoterSeattle, WA

Resolving Democratic unity crucial for 2024 election success

Maintaining unity within the Democratic Party is crucial for a successful outcome in the 2024 presidential election. The current situation, with a growing number of lawmakers calling for President Biden to withdraw his candidacy, threatens to fracture the party and undermine its chances against the

Map PinSeattle, WA

I support President Biden!

I support President Biden. Full stop. The current panic by Dem lawmakers and others plays into the hands of the Trumpers. Biden has a 4 year record of accomplishments. Trump is a gaslighting liar and felon. Let Biden finish the job!

Verified VoterSeattle, WA

is so high that we need a presidential candidate who has the agility and stamina to fight for us for the next four years. We thank him for his service, but President Biden absolutely must step down from the Democratic ticket for the Nov 2024 election. The threat to democracy The greatest service he

Map PinSeattle, WA

Biden should consider withdrawal to allow stronger nominee against Trump

President Biden's debate performance has deeply shaken confidence in his ability to lead and effectively communicate his agenda. The latest poll showing him trailing Trump by a sizeable margin underscores the damage done. While he aims to regain his footing through upcoming media appearances, concer

Verified VoterSeattle, WA

Resist authoritarian overreach, uphold democratic accountability and rule of law

The Supreme Court's ruling granting broad immunity to presidents for official acts is a dangerous precedent that places presidents above the law and threatens our democracy. By insulating corrupt abuses of power from criminal accountability, the court has provided a "loaded weapon" for presidents to

Map PinSeattle, WA

Our Supreme Court Problem

EXPAND THE SUPREME COURT! And open an ethics investigation on the current justices. They are a biased and bribed group who do not belong in those seats. Encourage Biden to use his newfound immunity. We are in crisis mode! Thanks for all you do.

Map PinSeattle, WA

Supreme Court reform

This had been a terrible Supreme Court term, with today’s ruling on immunity just the final straw. This court won’t recuse or remove corrupt members, and these rulings destroy the balance between the Judiciary and other branches. It is beyond time to reform the Court. Expand it significantly, give r

Verified VoterShoreline, WA

Urge Biden to exit at the end of this term. At the convention choose a younger candidate and running mate. We can't afford to lose this election.

Write a letter and send it instantly by email, fax, or postal mail. It takes two minutes to be heard.