

  1. United States
  2. Missouri
  3. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer

Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer

Map PinJefferson City, MO

Protect Churches & Free Speech - Vote No on H.R. 9495

As your constituent, I urge you to vote NO on H.R. 9495. This bill, which was already defeated once due to overwhelming public outcry, poses a dangerous threat to the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment. It grants the incoming Trump any incoming administration unchecked authority

Verified VoterHigh Ridge, MO

I want the Senate to do their job to that the nominees for executive branch leadership. Your job is to advise and consent. I expect full vetting for all positions at the start of this new administration. As for the House of Representatives, I want the report on Rep. Gaetz to be released to the senat

Verified VoterEldon, MO

Safeguard civil liberties in anti-terror tax legislation

The proposed Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act raises significant concerns about due process and the potential for overreach in targeting tax-exempt organizations. While the intent may be to combat terrorism financing, the broad language could impact a wide range of gr

Verified VoterEldon, MO

Mandate thorough FBI vetting of Cabinet nominees

Thorough vetting and comprehensive background checks for presidential Cabinet nominees are essential to preserve national security and uphold constitutional principles. The nominees put forth raise significant concerns, making it imperative that their backgrounds are rigorously scrutinized by the FB

Verified VoterJefferson City, MO

OPPOSE HR 9495, the bill that would empower the Trump administration to crush nonprofit organizations — the so-called “Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act”.

Write a letter and send it instantly by email, fax, or postal mail. It takes two minutes to be heard.