Summer Lee


  1. United States
  2. Pennsylvania
  3. Rep. Summer Lee

Rep. Summer Lee

Map PinPittsburgh, PA

I support President Biden's efforts to reform the Supreme Court by implementing ethics guidelines, term limits, and potentially overturning the ruling on judicial immunity.   Ethics reform is crucial to ensure that all justices on the Supreme Court maintain the highest level of integrity and imparti

Map PinPittsburgh, PA

Support the High Court Gift Ban Act

he High Court Gift Ban Act is a crucial piece of legislation aimed at maintaining the integrity and impartiality of the judicial system. This act restricts judges from accepting gifts, benefits, or favors that could potentially influence their decision-making process. By implementing this ban, the A

Verified VoterPittsburgh, PA


Expand SCOTUS. Co-sponsor the Judiciary Act of 2023. Democracy is dying. We need a fair, balanced court. One for each federal circuit court plus a chief justice is equitable. sents its people, not dark money. We need to do everything we can to gut the un-American institutionalization of the Unitary

Map PinPittsburgh, PA

The destruction the conservatives on the Supreme Court is doing to our country is untenable. MAJOR SCOTUS reform HAS to be the highest priority. Not only have they decimated voting rights, women’s rights and look to be aiming for LGBTQIA rights, they are eliminating expertise in decision making that

Map PinPittsburgh, PA

Impeach Justice Thomas

Impeaching Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for repeatedly violating basic ethical standards is a necessary step to uphold the integrity and impartiality of the highest court in the United States. Thomas' actions and behavior have raised serious concerns about his ability to maintain the ethica

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