Stop mass shootings
I am a constituent. We need congress to ban assault weapons and stop mass shootings. The army has easy and effective rules about responsible gun ownership. Use them as a model please!
Assault weapons ban
Bring back the assault weapons ban. There is no legitimate civilian use for weapons designed for war. How many more senseless unnecessary deaths will happen before you act? Incidents like the one that happened in GA yesterday only happen in the US. Nowhere else in the world. There are unhinged peopl
Stop arming Israel
I'm asking for us to stand with international law and to quit sending weapons to Israel. Please support Bernie Sanders's resolution to block a 20 billion arms transfer to Israel.
Trump travesty at Arlington
There must be an investigation of the deplorable travesty that occurred at Arlington National Cemetery in which Trump and his staff assaulted a cemetery worker and took pictures and videos in violation of federal law. The disrespect and hubris Trump demonstrated is disqualifying in regard to holding
The state Dept of Environmental Protection has put forward a plan to build a golf course in Johnathan Dickinson State Park. I don’t think they understand what environmental protection is. Like all aspects of the DeSantis administration, they are dangerously ignorant. I vehemently urge you to keep op
Support End Judge Shopping Act for impartial justice
<redrafted_message> Dear Senator, I urge you to vote in favor of the proposed End Judge Shopping Act. This measure seeks to uphold the vital principle of separation of powers by preventing forum shopping and ensuring that cases challenging federal or state laws are randomly assigned to judges within
Publicly Denounce Project 2025 to Protect America
I am writing to express my deep concern about Project 2025 and to urge you to publicly denounce this initiative. The proposals put forth in Project 2025 threaten to undermine the progress our nation has made in areas such as environmental protection, civil rights, and social justice. This project’s
Good afternoon - There are suggestions that our votes could be in jeopardy if operatives are in place to refuse certification [see below as one example]
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