  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

Do not confirm Tulsi Gabbard

To: Rep. Kaptur, Sen. Brown, Sen. Vance

From: A verified voter in Waterville, OH

December 31, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard's appointment as Director of National Intelligence would be deeply concerning due to her disturbing record on foreign policy issues. As a former member of Congress, Gabbard has repeatedly engaged in Putin apologism, cast doubt on Russian interference in US elections, praised Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, and opposed sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. Her views are alarmingly out of step with the reality of growing Russian aggression and threats to democratic nations. We must have a DNI committed to protecting American interests and values, not someone cozying up to adversaries like Putin. I urge you to reject this alarmingly unqualified nomination.

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