J.D. (James) Vance


  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Sen. J.D. (James) Vance

Sen. J.D. (James) Vance

% Approval
Verified VoterNorth Canton, OH

Arrest Netanyahu for his war crimes

I'm writing today to call for the arrest of Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been found guilty by the ICC of war crimes, when he sets foot on American soil.

Verified VoterKent, OH

o a fine job of providing a safe and wholesome environment for information. They should be left absolutely alone and allowed their own discretion. Leave librarians alone! They already aren't paid enough. I'm writing to demand the dismissal of proposed HB 556, about laws about our libraries. Our libr

Verified VoterCortland, OH

Thank you for your service. President Biden. Now finish what we’ve started. Disabled USAF veteran , mom of 3, grandmother to 11. LETS GO BLUE

Map PinChagrin Falls, OH

Endorse Kamala Harris!

Please endorse Kamala Harris for President! United we can win against Trump! Thank you!

Verified VoterCortland, OH

Disabled USAF veteran, mom of 3, grandma to 11. Why are you tolerating trump? Georgia voting, top secret documents in his toilet area. JAN 6, election interference, New York/ fraud, threats. Sexual predictor. His word vomit, bullying ‘speeches’. Dyed hair, orange skinned. Lift wearing,, diaper weari

Verified VoterCincinnati, OH

Please endorse Kamala Harris asap

Verified VoterCortland, OH

Disabled USAF veteran, mom of 3, grandma to 11. Why are you tolerating trump? Georgia voting, top secret documents in his toilet area. JAN 6, election interference, New York/ fraud, threats. Sexual predictor. His word vomit, bullying ‘speeches’. Dyed hair, orange skinned. Lift wearing,, diaper weari

Verified VoterCortland, OH

I am a disabled USAF Veteran and will vote 💙🇺🇸all of the way. Best predictor of future behavior Is relevant past behavior. President Biden, I admire all that you have done for our country. Shields up. Swords ready. Move forward. You’ve got this. We’ve got this. Thank you! Sir💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 A

Map PinCleveland, OH

funding a genocide, who will deal with income inequality, homelessness, healthcare, housing. Someone that is prepared to deal with climate collapse. Please encourage President Biden to resign. Our democracy depends on it. We need a candidate that is ready for the moment at hand. Someone that will st

Verified VoterCortland, OH

I am a disabled USAF Veteran and will vote 💙🇺🇸all of the way. Best predictor of future behavior Is relevant past behavior. President Biden, I admire all that you have done for our country. Shields up. Swords ready. Move forward. You’ve got this. We’ve got this. Thank you! Sir💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 A

Verified VoterColumbus, OH

Congratulations to Senator Vance. Let’s hope our win in the senate does not translate into a disaster for the nation. Project 2025 is a terrifying display of classist, bigoted, and frankly selfish policies that, if brought to life would spell the end of our country as we know it. Perhaps that is wha

Verified VoterCortland, OH

I am a disabled USAF Veteran and will vote 💙🇺🇸all of the way. Best predictor of future behavior Is relevant past behavior. President Biden, I admire all that you have done for our country. Shields up. Swords ready. Move forward. You’ve got this. We’ve got this. Thank you! Sir💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 A

Verified VoterCincinnati, OH

Ohio needs you to act responsibly

Shame on you for mischaracterizing the messaging of the Biden campaign and making ill-informed claims it caused the assassination attempt. You represent all of Ohio and need to take your responsibility as a leader much more seriously.

Map PinMonroeville, OH

I’m writing this letter in support of President Biden. He has been put under a microscope and continues to do a great job as our president. Where is the comparison to former president Trump? Where is the outcry for him to have a neurological exam? He has also misspoken several times. He rambles on a

Verified VoterMarion, OH

Rally behind the president

If you are a Democrat and your name appears on any of these "Biden should step down" letters or lists, you will never receive a vote from my household ev er again. I don't care what your track record is. Rally behind the incumbent president or kiss America good bye.

Map PinAkron, OH

Riden with Biden

The path to sustained democratic governance requires unwavering commitment to upholding the will of the people through free and fair elections. While debates around individual candidates are understandable, we must collectively prioritize safeguarding the integrity of our electoral processes. Focusi

Verified VoterColumbus, OH

I support the articles of impeachment against Justices Thomas and Alito

I support the articles of impeachment introduced by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez against Justices Thomas and Alito. Corruption is a pestilence and those who embrace it do not belong in service to the American people.

Map PinFindlay, OH

Declare the Heritage Foundation a domestic terrorist organization.

It is beyond time that organizations such as, and including, the Heritage Foundation are called what they are: domestic terrorist organizations. They have declared war against the people and the government by openly stating as such on The War Room.

Map PinCincinnati, OH

Urgent Call for Leadership and Unity in the Upcoming Election

Dear President Biden, Senator Brown, Senator Vance, and Representative Landsman, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing with a deep sense of responsibility and concern for our nation's future. As a dedicated citizen, I feel compelled to share my thoughts on the current political landscape,

Verified VoterCortland, OH

I am a disabled USAF Veteran and will vote 💙🇺🇸all of the way. Best predictor of future behavior Is relevant past behavior. President Biden, I admire all that you have done for our country. Shields up. Swords ready. Move forward. You’ve got this. We’ve got this. Thank you! Sir💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 A

Map PinGates Mills, OH

o make a change right now and make sure that all the states will accept a different nominee on the ballot ASAP. Thank you. Tell President Biden to do some public TV news conferences, about two per week right now to convince us that he has what it takes to stay in the race. If he won't do that or ca

Map PinStow, OH

Time to Unify

President Biden is right: there is one job and only one job--to defeat Donald Trump and his MAGA fascists. Time to shut up and unify. Just do it!

Verified VoterBlacklick, OH

Prevent a GOP monarchy

The Supreme Court's ruling granting blanket immunity to presidents from criminal prosecution for official acts is a grave threat to democracy and the rule of law. Allowing any president to commit crimes without consequence is tantamount to establishing a monarchy. We cannot stand by as this destruct

Verified VoterGalloway, OH

Israel's recent airstrike on a hospital in Gaza that killed numerous civilians, including children, is an unacceptable violation of international law and human rights norms. Medical facilities are supposed to be protected areas during conflicts. This attack has worsened an already dire humanitarian

Map PinOlmsted Falls, OH

The republicans in power and "project 2025" pose the greatest threat to our nation's freedom and democracy we have ever seen. Everything must be done to stop them on all fronts. The American people are counting on our elected officials to pursue all courses of action to stop republicans on every iss

Verified VoterCortland, OH

I am a disabled USAF Veteran and will vote 💙🇺🇸all of the way. Best predictor of future behavior Is relevant past behavior. President Biden, I admire all that you have done for our country. Shields up. Swords ready. Move forward. You’ve got this. We’ve got this. Thank you! Sir💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 A

Verified VoterDayton, OH

We all need to move on from the debate and rally around President Biden. I was also overwhelmed after the debate but I realize now that’s all a part of Trump’s plan. Don’t let it work! Stop squabbling and stand strong!

Verified VoterColumbus, OH

Reject project 2025 authoritarian agenda, defend American democracy

The far-right's Project 2025 agenda represents an assault on democratic principles and the system of checks and balances enshrined in the Constitution. This authoritarian playbook seeks to concentrate power in the presidency, dismantle key institutions, and undermine the rights and well-being of the

Verified VoterColumbus, OH

Reject project 2025 authoritarian agenda, defend American democracy

The far-right's Project 2025 agenda represents an assault on democratic principles and the system of checks and balances enshrined in the Constitution. This authoritarian playbook seeks to concentrate power in the presidency, dismantle key institutions, and undermine the rights and well-being of the

Verified VoterColumbus, OH

Reject project 2025 authoritarian agenda, defend American democracy

The far-right's Project 2025 agenda represents an assault on democratic principles and the system of checks and balances enshrined in the Constitution. This authoritarian playbook seeks to concentrate power in the presidency, dismantle key institutions, and undermine the rights and well-being of the

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