"Remove Tax Cap on Wages for Social Security Sustainability"
  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

"Remove Tax Cap on Wages for Social Security Sustainability"

To: Rep. Kim, Sen. Menendez, Sen. Booker

From: A verified voter in Marlton, NJ

April 23

The erosion of Social Security's tax base due to wage inequality and the rising cost of non-taxed fringe benefits necessitates urgent action. One viable solution is to eliminate the tax cap on taxable wages. This approach would not only strengthen the program's funding but also ensure a more equitable distribution of tax contributions. It is crucial to remember that Social Security is a lifeline for many, and its sustainability should be a priority. Therefore, it is requested that serious consideration be given to removing the tax cap on taxable wages to secure the future of Social Security. This action would reflect a commitment to prioritizing the needs of the many over the interests of a few.

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