Robert Menendez


  1. United States
  2. New Jersey
  3. Sen. Robert Menendez

Sen. Robert Menendez

% Approval
Map PinFlemington, NJ

Honor the ICC arrest warrant and arrest Netanyahu while he is in the US!

Map PinJersey City, NJ

Kamala Harris is the only acceptable choice

Biden dropping out at THIS stage in the game is a complete fiasco, and I hope you were trying to stop it, but what's done is done. I expect you to put the full weight of your support behind Kamala Harris.

Verified VoterMoorestown, NJ

President Biden needs to undergo a full cognitive evaluation and release the results. Biden’s refusal to take this action is hurting his credibility. Being concerned about his capabilities is legitimate simply based on his age. Failing to undergo an assessment looks like there’s something to hide.

Verified VoterMoorestown, NJ

Stop the efforts to boot Biden!

As one of your many constituents, it’s important that you know my views on the Dem presidential candidate. I support the Biden/Harris campaign. Fully and without reservation. The efforts to replace them are divisive and play into MAGA hands. We need less chaos, NOT more. Most mainstream media is

Verified VoterRidgewood, NJ

President Biden and 2024

While I love Joe Biden both as a person and as president, fear that his capacity to serve in the highest office has diminished with age and hence he no longer the best choice of candidate in this election. This election is far too important to allow President Biden to take on Donald Trump and his

Map PinMartinsville, NJ

I’m happy to hear President Biden hinting that he will come out in support of term limits for Supreme Court justices, as well as an enforceable code of ethics and even a constitutional amendment to reverse the effect of the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity. I strongly, strongly supp

Map PinRidgewood, NJ

Tell Biden to Step Aside

Despite President Biden’s notable achievements, such as defeating Donald Trump in 2020, guiding the nation out of the pandemic, managing multiple geopolitical crises, and maintaining a robust economy, it’s evident that he may not be able to defeat Trump in 2024 due to concerns about his age and fitn

Map PinBlackwood, NJ


I STAND WITH PRESIDENT BIDEN AGAINST TRUMP & PROJECT 2025 Hello! My name is Carol Adams. I live in Blackwood, NJ. Recently, President Biden urged you to stop questioning his fitness for office. He reminded us that millions voted for him in the primary, and tens of millions more will vote for him in

Map PinClementon, NJ

Deny Netanyahu congressional platform, promote diplomacy over military escalation.

Prime Minister Netanyahu's record of military aggression, illegal settlement expansion, and institutionalized discrimination against Palestinians is an affront to human rights and international law. Allowing him to address Congress in the midst of what amounts to a brutal campaign of ethnic cleansin

Map PinToms River, NJ

Impeach, impeach. Impeach

Now that the Supreme Court has collapsed the strength of our Constitution I am writing to the remaining branches Congress to rise up and Save US. I The People, demand immediate proceedings to impeach the Supreme Court Justices who committed this high treason. There is plenty of evidence to begin thi

Map PinOcean Grove, NJ

Supreme Court Decision POTUS

I urge Congress to pass a constitutional amendment reestablishing criminal accountability for the office of the president of the United States.

Map PinLivingston, NJ

Reform the Supreme Court

I am writing to you as a lifelong Democrat to demand that our party get serious about reforming the Supreme Court. Trump stacked the court with justices who would serve his own personal interests and they are doing so at a rapid pace. The Supreme Court is a corrupt institution with corrupt justices

Map PinTuckerton, NJ

It's time to save America

Please urge President Biden and Vice President Harris to seize the opportunity that the Supreme Court has given him. . Prosecute Mr. Thomas for corruption. Arrest everyone in or formerly in Congress who facilitated the January 6 Insurrection. Arrest Mrs Thomas & Mrs Alito for their rolls in the Ins

Verified VoterEwing, NJ

Impeach Supreme Court justices now

The Supreme Court is seizing power right in front of us in a bid to install Trump as America's first official dictator. This is unacceptable. The people of the United States do not consent to this and it must stop immediately. Impeach the offending justices now and join us when we march on the court

Verified VoterJersey City, NJ

How do we fix the mess the Supreme Court made?

Today, the Supreme Court voted that the President is immune to any crimes they may have committed while serving as president. This is on the heels of their destruction of abortion protection and gutting of the power of regulatory agencies. They have overruled decades of judicial precedent to lay

Map PinClementon, NJ

Reevaluate military aid to Israel, prioritize domestic investment

America must immediately cease all military aid and arms transfers to Israel. The billions of dollars enabling Israel's unconscionable brutality against Palestinian civilians, including children, should instead be invested in domestic priorities that uplift struggling communities and address urgent

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