  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez, Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27, 2024

The bloodshed and immeasurable pain that is currently being inflicted upon innocent Palestinian civilians, including women and children, as a result of U.S. funded military actions by Israel, defies the essence of humanity. The tears and suffering saturating the streets of Gaza and the West Bank should strike a chord in every human heart and provoke a collective outcry that cannot be ignored. It is alarming to note that amid this agony, the U.S. continues to fund and arm the artillery of this conflict with no signs of reluctance, effectively fueling relentless cycles of violence that disproportionately affect the voiceless and defenseless. This present scenario compellingly calls attention to the ceaseless violation of human rights, daring us all to look away from the plight of Palestinians. With each passing day, the world remains horrified and bewildered at the increasing scale of atrocities, as an infinite amount of innocents lie in the aftermath, buried under the rubble of homes shattered by explosive violence. It is worth reinforcing that these acts, delivered under the auspices of defensive posturing, contradict the principles of justice, freedom, and peace that the U.S. fundamentally espouses. This continued support for these actions, providing lethal arms without accountability, is deeply troubling. In the name of all that is humane, the immediate ceasefire of these hostile engagements becomes not a request but a vital necessity. Moreover, it's high time the United States categorically renounced the provision of military aid that facilitates these heinous crimes. If we remain silent or indifferent, we risk complicity in these tragedies, our humanity forever tarnished. This is an urgent plea for the powers that be to empathize with this unconscionable loss of human life and act fast to counter these atrocities immediately.

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