  1. United States
  2. S.D.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Johnson, Sen. Rounds, Sen. Thune

From: A verified voter in Madison, SD

December 6, 2024

This letter is addressed primarily to Senator Thune, but as all of you seem to be in nearly lock step in supporting President-Elect Trump, I am sending it to all of you. Are you kidding me? Considering ending Social Security is not an acceptable way to increase government efficiency. The funds in the Social Security trust belong to the American people, not to the government. It's bad enough that you have borrowed from the trust without paying back those funds, but to now threaten us with cutting our benefits? No. You cannot do that and expect us to simply take it lying down. Especially when proposed by a criminal like Elon Musk, who came here on a visa that he did not qualify for and has overstayed his visa by decades. That he has been given government contracts and classified information is appalling. But to take his advice about anything is ludicrous. The only thing that man is qualified to do is overpopulate the US and Canada. That you said you would consider this Senator Thune is beyond treasonous. Almost like taking a trip to Russia over our country's celebration of independence. What compromat do Trump and Putin have on you that those of us that knew you back in the day in Sioux Falls don't already know?

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