  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Support these bills

To: Rep. DeAyala

From: A verified voter in Houston, TX

November 26

I am reaching out to express my strong support for the following bills: •Rep. Sheryl Cole: HB 1098 – Ensuring Medicaid and health plans cover abortion, contraception, and sterilization so Texans can access the care they need.   •Rep. Erin Zwiener: HB 1003 – Expanding voting access by making student IDs valid for elections.   •Rep. Senfronia Thompson: HB 835 – Fighting for pay equity with a bill to allow workers to sue for back pay and damages due to discrimination in pay.   •Rep. Donna Howard: HB 257 – Protecting doctors' medical judgment and ensuring critical exceptions for abortion care, including cases to preserve mental health or future fertility.   •Rep. Mihaela Plesa: HB 337 – Keeping taxpayer money in public schools instead of diverting it to private interests.   •Rep. Mary González: HB 174 – Offering more incentives for childcare facilities to serve children with disabilities, giving families the resources they need. I urge you to support these bills for the good of all Texans.

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