- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Pres. Biden
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 28
There are moments in history that shake the very core of humanity, moments that reveal an ugly truth about our collective morals and values. Today, as I write this, we bear witness to such a moment. As an American citizen and as a human being, the continued funding of Israel's actions against Palestinian civilians is perturbing. I am not writing this in the guise of a savant politician or foreign policy expert, but as an ordinary person who can recognize the injustice and indiscriminate violence that is tearing apart lives, families and homes.
You cannot ignore that our tax dollars are directly funding this destruction, destruction wrought by arms and munition that bear a stamp of our great nation. The actions of our government are reflective of its people, and it is time we clarify to the world that the American people do not condone such brutal injustices being carried out in our name. The widespread loss of innocent lives, the devastation of civilian infrastructures like housing, schools and hospitals, are crimes against humanity that cannot be justified under any rationale or disguise.
Instead of echoing words like "stand by" and "behind the scenes diplomacy", our nation should be the forerunner in demanding an immediate ceasefire. We should be on the side that advocates for peace, not participates indirectly in the proliferation of conflict. This moment is a call for courage and moral clarity. It is a call for us to stand against violence, irrespective of the location on the map or the religions of the people involved. Please, let us stop the funding, let us stop sending arms and let us stop these horrendous crimes against humanity.