  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray, Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

December 24, 2024

I am your constituent and I want to share a ProPublica investigation with you about the state of women’s health in states that have banned abortion. Here is the link for you to review, ⁦⁩. The states bans are delaying treatment and medical attention to women regularly and women are dying. They are being left to suffer organ failure and sepsis because a fetal heartbeat is present in a fetus that cannot survive. I want you to recognize that this is torture and cruelty and results in death at the hands of legislators who have no medical understanding, no compassion and are fine with these women dying. These same legislators are halting maternal mortality committees from actually investigating the causes of these deaths because the politicians don’t want the public to know how cruel and inhuman these abortion ban practices are. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN ABORTION IS A STATES RIGHTS ISSUE. I want you to speak out against this cruelty and demand that the Women’s Health Protection Act be brought up for a vote to make abortion care available everywhere in our country. I expect you to speak up long and loud and demand action and I will pay attention to what I hear from you.

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