  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Stop Democrat infighting and focus

To: Sen. Butler, Rep. Mullin, Sen. Padilla

From: A constituent in East Palo Alto, CA

July 21

I'm writing to DEMAND that my elected officies push the party to focus and stop the information leaks happening right now about President Biden staying on the ticket. There is one goal and one goal only: stop Project 2025. Democrat infighting wastes valuable weeks where we could be spreading the word about Project 2025 -- I can speak from firsthand experience that that moves the needle with undecided votes. I am demanding a public statement in support of President Biden and Vice President Harris. We should NOT be in this position. The party has not talked about recent issues such as student loans, and even SCOTUS feels like it's been forgotten because everyone is too distracted. Nothing else matters.

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