Alejandro Padilla


  1. United States
  2. California
  3. Sen. Alejandro Padilla

Sen. Alejandro Padilla

% Approval
Map PinSan Francisco, CA

Enact US arms embargo on Israel for Gaza atrocities

The United States must impose an immediate arms embargo on Israel due to the unbearable cruelty inflicted on Palestinian civilians in Gaza, as witnessed firsthand by medics who have volunteered on the ground. These medical professionals have seen the devastating consequences of Israel's indiscrimina

Map PinOakland, CA

UN warns sanitation crisis in Gaza - Permanent Ceasefire NOW

From Al Jazeera on July 23: As Gaza's water sanitation remains in "a very dire situation", polio is not the only disease that risks spreading, says Ayadil Saparbekov, WHO's head of health emergencies in the occupied Palestinian territories. When it comes to polio and other diseases, he warned "it wi

Map PinCastro Valley, CA

Vote against KOSA

Please vote against KOSA (S 2073 / HR 7891). Despite the innocuous name, it will be weaponized by conservative attorney generals across the country to restrict any online content related to LGBTQ+ people, abortion, and safe sex. There are better ways to protect our kids online. Thank you.

Verified VoterLos Angeles, CA

Americans for Tax Fairness reporting shows that just 50 billionaire families have already spent more than $600 million in an attempt to influence the 2024 presidential and congressional elections. Peter Thiel, a tech billionaire, has spent millions of dollars to influence our elections including inv

Verified VoterLos Angeles, CA

Vote No on KOSA

I am a member of Indivisible Westside Los Angeles. I'm writing to ask that you oppose S1409, the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). This broad legislation does not protect anyone and instead will be used to block any speech that state AGs disagree with. Additionally, a website can't tell who's a minor

Map PinSanta Monica, CA

Hold Hearings on Supreme Court Corruption

Hi, I’m a constituent from Santa Monica and a member of Indivisible Westside Los Angeles. I urge you, as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, to push for an investigation into corruption on the Supreme Court. The American people deserve a full airing of the breaches of law and ethics in our n

Verified VoterLos Angeles, CA

Ceasefire now!

I’m writing to implore you to join protests against Netanyahu and demand a ceasefire now. A ceasefire agreement that ensures the release of hostages and provides aid to rebuild Gaza is desperately needed. I implore you to forcefully call for an immediate cessation of hostilities and meaningful negot

Verified VoterSan Jose, CA

Please Pass KOSA (S.2073)

I am reaching out in support of the Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act (S.2073). The Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act is a vital pieces of legislation that would help safeguard America’s children and adolescents from the dangerous practices of social media platforms. All too often, these platform

Verified VoterSan Jose, CA

Prioritize children's online safety and privacy with KOSA

The Kids Online Safety Act establishes safeguards for children's online experiences by requiring platforms to provide minors with age-appropriate design and content. This legislation empowers parents through easily accessible tools to monitor and protect their kids, and prohibits exploitative data c

Map PinOakland, CA

Israeli public health officials urge ceasefire to stop polio in Gaza

From Al Jazeera on July 22: A ceasefire is the only way to protect babies in Gaza and Israel from a polio epidemic, Israeli public health professors have said. Eight professors of epidemiology, hematology and other health sciences are calling for a ceasefire in besieged and bombarded Gaza, citing po

Map PinMonterey, CA

Vote NO on KOSA

I have just heard the news that Sen. Schumer is bringing KOSA, the so-called Kids Online Safety Act, up for a vote this week. This is a bad bill, made with flawed and misguided intentions, that will actively harm kids and teens, as well as LGBTQ adults. I am once again asking you to please VOTE NO.

Map PinGlendale, CA

End fossil fuel subsidies, invest in renewables

The United States should end subsidies for the highly profitable fossil fuel industry and instead invest in clean, renewable energy sources. Oil companies received an estimated $20 billion in direct subsidies in 2022 alone. These subsidies prop up polluting industries contributing to the climate cri

Verified VoterSan Jose, CA

As your constituent, I am strongly opposed to KOSA (Kids Online Security Act): A website can't tell who's a minor without age-verifying every visitor to the site. I don't want to have to scan my face or my ID every time I visit any site on the internet and I don't want that information out there t

Verified VoterSan Francisco, CA

No on KOSA

No on KOSA! platforms shouldn’t collect private information in the name of proving that users aren’t minors, and especially don’t let right-wing state Attorney Generals file lawsuits under this bill.

Map PinLos Altos, CA

Please vote NO on KOSA!

I'm a 17-year-old constituent of yours and I’m writing to urge you to reject the Kids Online Safety Act, a misguided bill that would put vulnerable young people at risk. The Act allows the government to pressure social media platforms to remove content that could be deemed inappropriate for minors,

Verified VoterAlbany, CA

I am Jewish. An active member of my progressive synagogue. I want peace, I want the hostages brought home, I want the Supreme Court in Israel to maintain its status as an arbiter of law without interference by the government, I want recognition that two peoples have to live together in this land we

Map PinMartinez, CA

Stop KOSA!

I am once again writing to encourage you to oppose the Kids Online Safety Act, or KOSA. This misleadingly-named bill would give state Attorneys General sweeping powers of online censorship, allowing far-right extremists to unilaterally remove LGBTQ-friendly content from the internet. It would also

Verified VoterLincoln, CA

Pete Buttigieg and Mark Kelly would make great VP picks for Kamala Harris 2024

I fully support Harris for President 2024 and plan to vote with her policy in mind up and down the ballot. I am also greatly heartened to hear that some amazing Veterans may be under consideration for Vice President, including Pete Buttigieg and Mark Kelly. Either of them would bring so much to the

Map PinSacramento, CA

I am a constituent and I am writing to urge you to vote no on KOSA. KOSA uses two methods to “protect” kids, and both of them are awful. First, KOSA would allow the government to pressure social media platforms to erase content that could be deemed “inappropriate” for minors. The problem is: there

Map PinOakland, CA

Israel attacks minutes after evacuation order - Permanent Ceasefire NOW

From Al Jazeera on July 22: The Israeli army has started carrying out its air attacks on eastern Khan Younis in southern Gaza, according to Israel's Army Radio. The news came just 15 minutes after the army spokesman announced new evacuation orders for residents of Khan Younis, according to Army Radi

Map PinMountain View, CA


Evil oligarchs ANDREESON, HOROWITZ, THIEL, obviously MUSK (and increasingly Zuckerberg and others) are filthy fascist scum who are bringing down democracy in our USA. I want these goddamned Trumpite fascist slime driven the fu€k out of California. I don’t care how you do it, increase their taxes

Map PinOakland, CA

Israel bombed 70% UNWRA schools in Gaza - Permanent Ceasefire NOW

From Al Jazeera in July 2024: Nearly seven out of ten U.N.R.W.A -run schools have been bombed by Israel in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the war, according to the U.N. agency for Palestinians. "Nearly 70% of U.N.R.W.A schools in Gaza have been hit since the war began... Over 95% of these sc

Verified VoterForest Knolls, CA

I’m concerned that the Supreme Court’s decision upholding an anti-camping law will encourage cities in our state to penalize unhoused people, resulting in the loss of property, documents, and treasured mementos. Ending homelessness requires affordable housing and support services, not punitive measu

Verified VoterForest Knolls, CA

Please register your support for peace in Gaza by refusing to attend Netanyahu’s address to Congress. He has been pursuing the complete destruction of Gaza and failed to protect Israel. This is political theatrics and he should never have been invited to speak to our Congress.

Map PinSanta Rosa, CA

Support Harris for 2024!

Now that Biden has stepped aside for the 2024 election, we need to all stand behind Harris. She is a dynamic young candidate who'll energize a wider swat h of voters, and already has access to necessary campaign funds. Now let's find her a good VP, and get back to beating Trump and Project 2025!

Verified VoterLos Angeles, CA

There’s already some encouraging bipartisan agreement on increasing U.S. funding for Gavi, a vital global alliance providing vaccines against deadly diseases to the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. Now, I'm asking you to make sure that Congress funds Gavi even more, because we have a hi

Map PinOakland, CA

Israel used Gaza cancer hospital as base - Permanent Ceasefire NOW

From Al Jazeera in July 2024: Turkey condemns Israel's military for damaging Gaza's only specialised cancer hospital after using it as a military base for months and says that those responsible will be "brought to justice in international courts.” President Biden continues to supply and fund Israe

Verified VoterSan Jose, CA

Now is the time for Democrats to come together. Please issue a statement and send out an email to your constituent list and social media pages confirming your support for Vice President Harris as a Democratic candidate for United States President. This will show leadership and reassurance to your co

Verified VoterLos Angeles, CA

Demand that Donald Trump steps down as the Republican Candidate. We do not need a 78 year old president and he must step down.

Verified VoterLincoln, CA

Please endorse publicly Kamala Harris for President 2024

I urge you to publicly endorse and voice your support for Vice President Kamala Harris's presidential campaign. Her achievements during the Biden-Harris administration have been remarkable, and she has a proven track record of delivering meaningful progress for the American people. The American Resc

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