  1. United States
  2. Letter

Protect your record as a champion of women's rights- get the ERA published

To: V.P. Harris

From: A verified voter in Arlington, VA

November 29

You may have seen the Op-ed in today's issue of USA Today regarding the Equal Rights Amendment. In short, it lays out the full argument for why President Biden must publish the ERA. Notably, almost every other constitutional amendment in history had a legally messy path to ratification, but never before has the Executive Branch taken the extraordinary step of refusing to publish. The ERA has met all requirements according to the American Bar Association, and more importantly, the women and queer people of this country need constitutional protection now more than ever. President Biden is retiring, so only his legacy is on the line here. You, however, have a record of support for women's rights to maintain, build on - or to lose. Your credibility as a champion of women's rights is in question here, since you cannot disassociate from the actions of the White House as a whole. Please, prove to women everywhere that our trust is well-placed, and do everything in your power to get the ERA published. Thank you.

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