

Official profile photo of Kamala Harris
  1. United States
  2. V.P. Kamala Harris

V.P. Kamala Harris

% Approval
Verified VoterArlington, VA1/14

Urge Biden to Publish the ERA NOW

I am writing to ask you to use all your influence to convince President Biden to stop blocking the ERA. Anything less than ordering immediate publication by the Archivist , and firing her if necessary if she won't do her job, is unacceptable and a failure to do his legally mandated duty to execute

Verified VoterArlington, VA1/11

No More Excuses- the Equal Rights Amendment must be Published NOW

I am not naive- I know there are lingering legal questions around the ERA. However, as a citizen and an activist who has spent time and money getting Democrats elected, I don't care what hurdles you face anymore. We gave you all the power you should have needed to do this through Congress if you pre

Verified VoterLakewood, CO1/11

Continue to fight for body autonomy

I am no longer a religious person but I believe the God Christians follow gave us freedom of choice and body autonomy at birth. Please, continue the fight for body autonomy as it applies to reproduction rights and dignified end of life rights!

Verified VoterArlington, VA1/9

Push Biden to Publish the Equal Rights Amendment immediately

Today's eulogy reminded us all of President Carter's legacy of support for women's rights and the Equal Rights Amendment. Will your legacy be as strong? You were a wonderful Presidential candidate, standing for women's hopes and dreams. So many were heartbroken when you lost. But you aren't powerles

Verified VoterGrove City, OH1/7

Thank you for your service!

I am so proud to have voted for you as VP and again to have voted for you to be our President! The world would have thrived under your leadership! I will still be standing with you as we try to keep America safe and free.

Write a letter and send it instantly by email, fax, or postal mail. It takes two minutes to be heard.