Engage with President Biden on crucial legislative matters.
  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

Engage with President Biden on crucial legislative matters.

To: Sen. Scott, Rep. Castor, Sen. Rubio

From: A verified voter in Tampa, FL

April 13

The recent joint appearance at Mar-a-Lago, focusing on disputed election results and immigration, seems to overlook the current administration. It is crucial to engage with President Biden on these matters, as he is the current leader. The proposed legislation requiring proof of American citizenship for federal election registration is a significant step that should involve discussions with the current administration. The disagreements on Ukraine aid and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act reauthorization also require attention from the current government. It is suggested to prioritize dialogue with the current administration over past leadership. This approach will ensure that the issues at hand are addressed effectively and in a timely manner.

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