  1. United States
  2. N.M.
  3. Letter

SCOTUS Decision on Presidential Immunity

To: Sen. Heinrich, Rep. Vasquez, Sen. Luján

From: A verified voter in Las Cruces, NM

July 2

Here's a thought regarding today's SCOTUS decision on Trump's immunity from prosecution for things done in the alleged capacity of president: Let's bring back the acts committed in the Mueller Investigation and Report, parts 1 and 2! Those committed by the former president BEFORE he managed to make his way to inauguration and the White House!! Give him no immunity for prior acts!!! Ensure to remove all redactions except for highest security situations! Please bring this idea to the attention of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and if possible, the House Judiciary Committee. And if this idea could be brought to the attention of the Justice Department, that would be ideal. Thank you in advance!

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