Thank you for supporting the students demanding divestment and ceasefire now!
  1. United States
  2. D.C.
  3. Letter

Thank you for supporting the students demanding divestment and ceasefire now!

To: Mayor Bowser

From: A constituent in Washington, DC

May 1

Thank you for your measured response to the GWU divestment encampment. As a Columbia alum, I was filled with horror seeing the images of police brutality from my alma mater last night. I hate to think what might have also happened to the beautiful brave students in our city fighting for peace in Palestine, had you not intervened and stopped the MPD sweep last week. Thank you for giving our students a voice. But now is also the time to stand on the right side of history. I urge you to propose a resolution calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire to the District Council. We have already seen such a resolution pass in Hawai'i on Monday and it is time for DC to also stand up for what is right.

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