  1. United States
  2. La.
  3. Letter

Add People with Disabilities to the Equal Rights Clause of the 14th Amendment

To: Sen. Cassidy, Sen. Kennedy, Rep. Carter

From: A constituent in New Orleans, LA

August 23

Since 1985’s passage of Cleburne vs. Cleburne, People with Disabilities have been excluded from the equal rights clause of the 14th amendment. The Americans with Disabilities Act made some strides to protect the most unprotected class of people but has been wholly defanged through litigation and now the overturning of Chevron. The not so Equal Employment Opportunity Commission still permits paying people with disabilities less than their equals, less than minimum wage. The Americans with Disabilities Act relies on the Department of Justice and EEOC to help litigate equal rights suits but neither the DOJ nor the EEOC has a framework on which to base equal rights for People with Disabilities. This is why it is well past time and particularly urgent that the United States Congress ament the United States Constitution to include People with Disabilities as a fully protected and equal class in the 14th amendment.

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