- United States
- Wash.
- Letter
I am you your constituent and I want you to know that there are so many rural hospital closures and so many facilities no longer offering cancer treatment or infusions in rural areas that it presents a health risk and danger to rural Americans. Many have to spend all day driving to and from treatment and worse yet their 5 year survival rate is lower than their urban counterparts because of this disparity. You and your legislative staff can read about it in this Kaiser Family Foundation Report, https://kffhealthnews.org/news/article/cancer-care-chemotherapy-rural-patients/.
We all deserve to be able access effective treatment and that’s where you can help. I want you to examine HR 3421, the Improved Medicare For All Act. Here is the text for you, https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/3421/text. Specifically, check how global budgets cover infrastructure costs, so cancer treatment centers can stay open. Examine how the regional administrator can determine if there are shortages and people in their area are not getting the care they need, then examine how the special projects section allows them to build up those functions needed, especially in rural areas and medical deserts, to make sure people get the care they deserve.
I want you to actively support universal healthcare, like HR 3421, a system designed to address every American’s access to healthcare, urban, rural, cradle to grave. Without it you are condemning those in medical deserts and rural communities to suffer needlessly. I fully expect you to take action and get this to a vote. Thank you.