- United States
- Letter
Reject H.R. 9495, protect non-profits and civil liberties
To: Pres. Biden
From: A verified voter in Portland, ME
November 20, 2024
As a constituent, treasurer of, donor to, and volunteer for several local 501(c)3 organizations, I ask that you VETO H.R. 9495 should it come across your desk. This bill proposes terminating the tax-exempt status of organizations deemed to provide material support to terrorist groups, based solely on the discretion of the Secretary of Treasury. Such unilateral authority, without due process or judicial oversight, risks penalizing legitimate non-profits engaged in humanitarian or peacebuilding efforts in conflict zones. The vague criteria and lack of transparency threaten to stifle civil society and undermine constitutionally protected freedoms of speech and association. I urge you to reject this overreach that could inadvertently cripple the vital work of non-profits locally and globally.