  1. United States
  2. Letter

Nuseirat camp massacre is yet another red line - Withdraw support from Israel!

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Alamo, CA

June 9

Have you heard about the Nuseirat camp massacre committed by Israeli troops? If not: Israeli troops hid inside an aid truck - that came from the US port - that went to the Nuseirat refugee camp, where they came out and massacred more than 200 Palestinians. This is unconscionable. This is what the US is supporting? These are our allies? The US has already stayed with Israel past any reason or morality - now there is another line they have crossed. The United States CANNOT support Israel. I call on you to immediately withdraw ALL military support from Israel. I can't believe this has gone on as long as it has - but you can still stop it before it gets any worse. Please - do the right thing.

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