  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray, Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27

I cannot stand silent while I watch the unbearable suffering, on either side, from my corner of the world. The tragedies born out of hatred and enmity plauge our hearts and darken our souls as human beings. The strings of decorum and diplomatic language do not bind me so I write to you candidly, urgently, begging for your attention and, ultimately, your action. Our cherished America is seen as a beacon of freedom, justice, and equality, but the harsh reality of its actions sends shivers down the spine of those very ideals. Witnessing the escalation in violence, especially against Palestinian civilians in the ongoing Israel-Gaza crisis, and recognizing our nation's role within it, is painful to behold. As I write this, America continues funding Israel, providing unconditional support and enabling a forced, violent oppression. We supply arms, exacerbating a deadly cycle of violence, helping to echo the cries of innocent lives ravaged by war. This is not just about political allegiances or regional dynamics; this is about basic compassion and respect for human lives. Demands for justice and peace are not anti-national. They are pleas from empathetic souls that still believe America can become the ideological vanguard it purports to be. We need change. We need the United States to cease funding that exacerbates violence and suffering. We must stop the supply of arms that are used to create more graves than homes. We must reevaluate our stance, from a perspective that values humanity and not just strategic interests. Let us walked arm in arm with both Israelis and Palestinians toward peace, because only then can the wounds begin to heal. Only then will we truly embody the American ideals that we have romanticized for so long.

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