Child Rape and Trafficking Allegations at the Tulsa County FCJJ
  1. United States
  2. Okla.
  3. Letter

Child Rape and Trafficking Allegations at the Tulsa County FCJJ

To: Sen. Dossett, Rep. Schreiber

From: A verified voter in Tulsa, OK

May 2

I am a constituent and concerned voter in Tulsa. I have recently been made aware of allegations of sex trafficking and child sexual abuse at the Tulsa County Family Center for Juvenile Justice (FCJJ) through reports coming out of the OK Appleseed Center for Law and my local news stations. Children are already a vulnerable population, but children in custody are even more vulnerable since they are separated from their adult caregivers. We have to ensure that there is a thorough investigation into this matter by a third party since this happened on Tulsa County’s watch. I urge you to demand accountability and oversight so situations like these are less likely to occur. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

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