  1. United States
  2. Letter

America is Better Than This...Please Stop Killing Kids

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in New Orleans, LA

June 10

in the devious plan to disguise themselves as workers in a food aid truck and kill 275 innocent people to "save" 4 hostages. Israel has refused deals wh t to leave? Listen to Americans and stop funding this mass killing. CEASEFIRE NOW. es the bad guys? History will never ever forget your role in this. Do you really want to do down forevermore as Genocide Joe?! This is the legacy you wan For the first time in my life, I am ashamed to be American. The red line you spoke of was crossed, you still back Israel. American soldiers were included ich return hostages, and they have killed many more of their own hostages than 4, so we know this wasn't done to save hostages. Why are we making ourselv Please do the right thing. Please be human. Please stop killing children.

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