  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Halt genocide, enact arms embargo on Israel

To: Sen. Cornyn, Sen. Cruz, Rep. Roy

From: A constituent in San Antonio, TX

May 30

The following message calls for immediate action to halt the ongoing crisis and protect Palestinian civilians in Gaza: There are reasonable grounds to conclude that Israel is committing acts of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, according to the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Over nearly six months, Israel's unrelenting military assault has inflicted serious bodily and mental harm, created life-threatening conditions, and imposed measures intended to prevent births among Palestinians in Gaza. This grave situation represents the culmination of over 76 years of oppression aimed at erasing the Palestinian people and denying their right to self-determination. The UN Security Council's recent resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire has been ignored, allowing this catastrophe to continue unabated. Urgent steps must be taken to compel Israel to end its violence and human rights violations in Gaza. An arms embargo and sanctions against Israel are imperative to uphold international law and prevent further loss of innocent Palestinian lives. Decisive action cannot be delayed any longer as the world witnesses this predictable but preventable tragedy unfold. Prioritizing human rights over geopolitical interests is a moral obligation and legal requirement that can no longer be disregarded.

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