  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Fund housing solutions, not homeless encampment sweeps

To: Gov. Newsom

From: A constituent in Los Angeles, CA

July 26

Forcing sweeps of homeless encampments increases brutality toward a population that desperately needs more community support and resources. A recent study from the University of California found that sweeping homeless encampments does not reduce overall homelessness in an area. These operations displace vulnerable people, confiscate their possessions, erode trust in social services without providing housing solutions, and force sweeps lacking compassion on a vulnerable population that needs community support and resources. Enforcing anti-camping laws also strains law enforcement resources. Instead of punitive measures that cycle people through jails and shelters, evidence shows permanent supportive housing and voluntary services are more effective and humane approaches to ending homelessness. Prioritizing affordable housing development, addressing high housing costs as a significant barrier, and funding community-based outreach would better serve to compassionately address this crisis.

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