  1. United States
  2. Ore.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Wyden, Sen. Merkley, Rep. Blumenauer

From: A constituent in Portland, OR

July 1

After last Thursday nights debate, I am extremely concerned about Joe Biden's ability to prosecute the case against Donald Trump and win the election. I ate who can clearly communicate the threat Trump proposes to this country. I continue to see fundraising requests from the Biden Harris campaign, and I'm longer a young man." have no doubt that he can do the job as president, as he has been an exceptional one for the last few years. However, it's critical that we have a candid very concerned that no one is specifically addressing this issue as the requests contain no information about this other than that Biden admits "I am no , we need to all we can to defeat Trump. Please. Help! Thank you for your work on our behalf. I feel that Biden put himself in this position by choosing the debate timing and he has now made it much harder for us to do all we can to support him. Please urge him to consider this seriously, and discuss with confessional and other leaders whether he is the best person to keep Trump out of power. In my mind, this is the most important goal that we have at this time. The consequences of a Trump pregnancy will be devastating to this country. As a party

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