  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Vote NO on HR10186

To: Gov. Abbott, Rep. Goodwin, Lt. Gov. Patrick, Sen. Campbell

From: A verified voter in Austin, TX

December 5

My name is Mike Rastiello and I'm one of your constituents. I'm calling to ask you to stop wasting time and taxpayer money on things like Nancy Mace's trans bathroom bill, HR 10186. You need to vote no on this kind of nanny state nonsense. None of this stuff does anything for hardworking Americans and it makes congress look like clueless freaks to normal people. Just let people use the bathroom and move on to something that matters-handle inflation or get the price of milk under control. Please vote no on this HR 10186 nonsense. Stop wasting taxpayer money on witch hunts. Thank you.

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