  1. United States
  2. La.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Carter, Sen. Cassidy, Sen. Kennedy

From: A constituent in New Orleans, LA

June 10, 2024

I appreciate a response, however the message saying Israel has a right to defend itself is overused, and undermines the Palestinian right to also defend themselves from Israel's abuse that has lasted more than 75 years. The citizens of Palestine have too long been victim blamed, and dehumanized to the point of concentration camps being erected, a Trojan Horse in the shape of humanitarian aid allowed in, and civilian and refugee camps bombed. How many war crimes is the United States going to allow Israel to commit before they stop sending money, weapons and aid? The people do not want this to continue and you are not doing your job as a voice of the people. Shame on this country's leaders for allowing their votes be bought by an outside entity instead of lead by the voices of their citizens. This is not an issue between Israel and Hamas, and it needs to stop being addressed as such. The actions of Israel and the United States speak louder than any words in a press conference or a letter probably written by an assistant. This is a humanitarian crisis to the point that this is the Palestinian Holocaust. An immediate and permanent ceasefire, is the only acceptable solution here. Israel has rejected every single offer to end this conflict. There have been at minimum ten different deals that would have given the freedom to all hostages, and even land however Israel has rejected every single one leading to the apparent belief that thus is not about the hostages at all. The people want an immediate ceasefire, stop all funding to Israel and put that money to our own citezens and infrastructure in this country, and protect the Palestinian people.

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