  1. United States
  2. Letter

Publish the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment immediately

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Arlington, VA

December 30, 2024

I am writing because it is unacceptable that you claim to support women's rights while ignoring your duty to publish the Equal Rights Amendment. If you want women to believe you or the Democratic Party care about our welfare, we require action. Your legacy, and the integrity of your party, are on the line. I really don't care why you're not acting anymore. There is no sufficient excuse. Do your job by ordering the Archivist to do hers and publish the 28th Amendment immediately. If she refuses, fire her and appoint someone who will. This has to be completed before you leave office. Do not let us down, or we won't be blaming Trump alone for his future abuses of women's rights, we will also blame you and the Democrats who didn't even try to prevent it.

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