  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Civil Liberty in education

To: Sen. King, Rep. Burns, Gov. Abbott, Lt. Gov. Patrick

From: A constituent in Cleburne, TX

November 20

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed curriculum that would infuse Bible stories into lessons for elementary school students in public schools. While I respect the role religion plays in many people's lives, teaching one religious text in a public school setting violates the principles of separation of church and state and presents a narrow worldview that fails to reflect our society's diversity. Public schools should provide a secular education that exposes students to different cultures, beliefs, and perspectives. Focusing solely on the Bible marginalizes non-Christian students and families, and it risks indoctrinating children into a specific faith tradition. This curriculum would effectively censor other belief systems and limit students' access to a well-rounded education. Furthermore, the proposed curriculum raises concerns about the erosion of First Amendment rights. Students should have the freedom to explore different ideas and philosophies without the imposition of a singular religious ideology. Censoring alternative viewpoints and perspectives goes against the principles of free speech and intellectual freedom that our education system should uphold. I urge you to reconsider this curriculum and instead prioritize the development of educational materials that promote critical thinking, cultural awareness, and respect for diverse beliefs. Our public schools should be inclusive environments that celebrate our pluralistic society, not platforms for promoting a particular religious doctrine.

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