- United States
- Letter
Robust heat protections for all workers now
To: V.P. Harris
From: A verified voter in Norwalk, CT
August 20
Extreme heat is a severe occupational hazard that has caused far too many preventable worker deaths and illnesses. It is unacceptable that in 2024, basic protections like access to water, shade, and rest breaks are not universally guaranteed for workers across all sectors. The tragic death of Baltimore sanitation worker Ronald Silver II after he was found collapsed on a car hood asking for water is a stark reminder of the deadly consequences of inadequate heat protections. No worker should ever have to risk their life simply by showing up to earn a living. That's why this Heat Week mobilization by workers nationwide is so vital. By joining together across sectors from farm labor to fast food to demand enforcement of the Biden administration's proposed workplace heat standard, these workers are championing the fundamental right to a safe work environment. Their coordinated actions, including marches, letter deliveries, and the symbolic shared drink of water, powerfully demonstrate the urgency of this issue. Employers and policymakers at all levels must act swiftly to implement mandatory cooling measures, hydration access, and properly scheduled breaks sheltered from extreme heat. These modest measures can literally save lives. Worker voices calling for these protections deserve to be heeded and upheld through strong labor laws and contracts. The heat crisis demands an all-hands response to safeguard the health and dignity of America's essential workforce.